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You enjoy the Party
We Document the fun!
Look back at your big event with loads of fun photos from your big event! Your guests can enjoy these photos with you as their photos are being sent right to their phones in real time! Simply tap the screen and enter your phone number to opt into your Social Pic Photo Event!

Why Use Us For Your Special Event?
Photos make the best gifts! With this technology we can send out photos in real time.
They get these digital files as a gift and have the option to purchase prints at discounted rates
Social media is the most powerful way of adverting today. We can brand the photos as they are sent out with the event logo, titles, dates, and even match your theme. Think of it as free advertising when your guest share there photos on social media!
No more waiting days to get photos sent to you from other photographers
we send out photos live to the guest and the host gets all the photos from the event within 12 hours!
1.Get your photo taken at the event
2. Enter your information on our tablets just once during the course of the event
3. Receive all the photos your in directly to your phone
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